HOCHDORF Annual General Meeting: Shareholders confirm the existing Board of Directors

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Hochdorf, 15. May 2024 –All current members of the Board of Directors were re-elected at the Annual General Meeting of HOCHDORF Holding Ltd.
The Board of Directors is composed as follows after today's Annual General Meeting:

  • Member and Chairman: Jürg Oleas (to date), Swiss citizen, born 1957
  • Member and Vice-Chairman: Andreas Herzog (to date), Swiss citizen, born 1957
  • Member: Andreas Herzog (to date), Swiss citizen, born 1957
  • Member: Jean-Philippe Rochat (to date), Swiss citizen, born 1957
  • Member: Thierry Philardeau (to date), French citizen, born 1962
  • Delegate of the Board of Directors: Ralph Siegl (to date), Swiss citizen, born 1966

Marjan Skotnicki-Hoogland did not stand for re-election.

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+41 41 914 65 65Formulaire de contact

Siedereistrasse 9
CH-6281 Hochdorf
