Shareholder motions for the Annual General Meeting of HOCHDORF Holding Ltd.

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Hochdorf, May 3, 2024 - The shareholder Newlat Group SA, Paradiso, has informed the company that it intends to submit motions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of HOCHDORF Holding Ltd on May 15, 2024.

Newlat Group SA, Paradiso, informed the company in writing on May 2, 2024, that it intends to submit the following motions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on May 15, 2024:

  • with regard to agenda item 4: that the maximum total amount of remuneration for the Board of Directors be set at CHF 300,000;
  • with regard to agenda item 5: that a Board of Directors consisting of the following six persons be elected

o Member and Chairman: Angelo Mastrolia, Italian citizen, born 1964;

o Member: Eduardo Montuori, Italian citizen, born 1963;

o Member: Giuseppe Mastrolia, Italian citizen, born 1989;

o Member: Benedetta Mastrolia, Italian citizen, born 1995;

o Member: Fabio Fazzari, Italian citizen, born 1978;

o Member: Helmut Bösiger, Swiss and Brazilian citizen, born 1963;

  • with regard to agenda item 6: the following persons are to be elected as members of the Personnel and Compensation Committee: Benedetta Mastrolia, Fabio Fazzari and Helmut Bösiger.

To date, no further motions have been received for the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors will examine all proposals from shareholders and comment in due course.

The structured sales process with potential buyers continues unchanged. No decisions have been made to date.

Contact/ Accès
+41 41 914 65 65Formulaire de contact

Siedereistrasse 9
CH-6281 Hochdorf
