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- 28.01HOCHDORF feiert 130-jähriges Jubiläum
- 09.09Information from HOCHDORF Holding Ltd relating to its Extraordinary General Meeting
- 15.05HOCHDORF shareholders express their confidence in the existing management team
- 12.01New Bimbosan image advert
- 04.09CEO Ralph Siegl im Interview mit dem "Schweizer Bauer"
- 30.05Sandra Keller: new Head of Sales for Bimbosan Switzerland
- 23.05HOCHDORF expands its range and launches concept for semi-finished products with functional added value
- 10.05HOCHDORF Annual General Meeting: shareholders accept Board of Directors’ proposals
- 14.06HOCHDORF defers interest payment on subordinated hybrid bond
- 29.04HOCHDORF strengthens Group Management in innovation and sales
- 13.04Shareholders confirm the direction of travel
- 25.03Bisoja – vegan baby food now also available as a follow-on formula
- 09.12LIBOR transition
- 15.11HOCHDORF conducts final sales negotiations for land and building in Hochdorf
- 28.06HOCHDORF einigt sich mit den Konsortialbanken
- 08.03Easily digestible – the new Bimbosan infant formula made from goat milk